Concorde Hotel Singapore
100 Orchard Road, 238840 (map)
The COMSOL Conference 2017 is coming to several destinations around the globe and will be making its way to Southeast Asia on 22 November 2017, at the Concorde Hotel Singapore.
*Terms & conditions apply, please see FAQ section for more details.
and many more…
Concorde Hotel Singapore
100 Orchard Road, 238840 (map)
Time | Programme |
8.30am - 9.00am | Registration / Refreshments / Poster Exhibition / COMSOL Clinic |
9.00am - 9.30am |
What's New in COMSOL Multiphysics Mats Nigam, COMSOL |
9.30am - 9.50am |
Oral Presentation Session 1 (Concurrent Sessions) Towards Multiscale Models for Bioimpedance of Human Skin with COMSOL Multiphysics Red Blood Cells (RBCs) Separation Using Magnetophoresis Force Numerical Simulations of Condensing Moist Air Around Cold Cylinder |
9.50am - 10.05am |
Oral Presentation Session 2 (Concurrent Sessions) Vibro-Acoustic Modeling, Analysis and Optimization Using COMSOL Multiphysics Finite Element Analysis of Accelerating Projectile Inside Vacuum Bazooka |
10.05am -12.50pm |
Hands-On Mini Courses (Concurrent Sessions) Mini Course: Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics Mats Nigam, COMSOL This mini-course will give you an introduction to the multiphysics concept in COMSOL. You will learn about the general capabilities in COMSOL Multiphysics. The simulation workflow, from defining a model to post-processing the results, will be presented alongside with demonstrations on creating a geometry, meshing, and setting up single and multiphysics applications. Special attention will be given to novel features in the latest releases. This is followed by a demonstration of the Application Builder, a development environment for designing applications based on COMSOL Multiphysics models. |
Mini Course: Structural Mechanics & Heat Transfer Zhao Xin, i-Math This mini course will provide an introduction to the capabilities in the COMSOL’s Structural Mechanics Module, its built-in coupling features and multiphysics couplings with other modules. The session will cover the physics interfaces of Structural Mechanics Modules and its add-on modules that can supplement your structural analyses for specific application areas. You will learn about the structural element types that can be used to model different structural components and how the different structural elements can be coupled together. A variety of study types in the Structural Mechanics Module will be discussed and demonstrations will be used to illustrate the selection of the correct study type. Topics that will be covered include:
Mini Course: Electrochemistry Pratyush Sharma, COMSOL This session will provide an overview of COMSOL capabilities in regards with electrochemical applications such as electroanalysis, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and electrolysis. We will also discuss the use of COMSOL for modeling corrosion, electrodeposition and batteries & fuel cells. We will cover the basic theoretical aspect of electrochemistry interfaces and then gradually introduce you to customized interfaces to model above mentioned problems, along with suitable case studies. This will then be followed by a demonstration example and a hands-on exercise to give you a feel of COMSOL user interface. Topics that will be covered include:
12.50pm - 2.00pm | Lunch / Poster Exhibition / COMSOL Clinic |
2.00pm - 2.15pm |
Oral Presentation 3 (Concurrent Sessions) Modelling Thermal Capillary Effects and Flow in the Molten Pool During Selective Laser Melting 3D Hydrodynamic and Mass Transport Simulations of Ocular Drug Delivery Considering Segmental Aqueous Humour Outflow Phenomenon in the Human Eye Monotonic and Cyclec Behavior Of Trabecular Bone Under Uniaxial and Multiaxial Loading |
2.15pm - 2.30pm |
Oral Presentation Session 4 (Concurrent Sessions) Enhanced Fin Tube Heat Exchanger Design Through Topology Optimization Numerical Optimization of Microelectrode Systems for Single Cell Manipulation by Dielectrophoresis Transient Analysis of a Finned, Cylindrical Adsorber Reactor in Solar Adsorption Refrigeration |
2.30pm - 5.15pm |
Hands-On Mini Courses (Concurrent Sessions) Mini Course: Equation-Based Modeling Pratyush Sharma, COMSOL Partial differential equations (PDEs) constitute the mathematical foundation for describing the laws of nature. This course will provide an introduction to customizing your simulations by developing models directly with PDEs. You will also learn how to add ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and algebraic equations to your model. This feature has great usability as it allows users to add new physics and additional features to their models. We will begin with a discussion on importance of equation based modeling in COMSOL. Following this, we will introduce you to various mathematics interfaces which allow you to add new PDEs, ODEs and algebraic equations in COMSOL. This will then be followed by a demonstration example and a hands-on exercise to give you a feel of COMSOL user interface. Topics that will be covered include:
Mini Course: CFD Mats Nigam, COMSOL In this mini course you will learn about the capabilities of COMSOL’s CFD and Microfluidics Modules. The numerous physics interfaces in the CFD Module, covering creeping flow, Newtonian and non-Newtonian laminar flow, and turbulent flow at various Mach numbers will be presented along with the physics interfaces in the Microfluidics Module that allow for rarefication effects. You will learn about the special boundary conditions that can be used to model unresolved physical phenomena or thin immersed structures. Particle tracing can be used to simulate flows of dilute suspensions whereas continuum multiphase flow models are needed for higher volume fractions, e.g. the mixture model or Euler-Euler model for dispersed multiphase flow and the level-set model or phase-field model for separated multiphase flow. The most common multiphysics couplings will also be addressed. This is followed by a presentation of the various turbulence models and their applicability. The session will be concluded with a few words about the solvers with special focus on the new AMG (Aggregated Multi Grid) solver. Live demonstrations will be used to clarify and exemplify the different topics covered in this mini course. |
Mini Course: Electromagnetics Zhao Xin, i-Math This mini course provides an introduction to electromagnetic modeling for high-frequency applications with COMSOL. In particular, you will learn about the capabilities of COMSOL’s RF and Wave Optics Modules, their differences and knowing which of these 2 modules to use when modeling particular electromagnetic applications. Topics that will be covered include:
5.15pm - 6.00pm | Refreshments |
*Subject to changes without prior notice
Concorde Hotel Singapore
100 Orchard Road, 238840 (map)
Entitlements for selected presentations
Steps to submit an Oral Presentation
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Poster Presentation |
Entitlements for selected presentations
Steps to submit a Poster Presentation
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11 August 2017 | Submission of Oral / Poster Presentation Participation Forms |
11 August 2017 | Submission of Presentation Abstracts |
25 August 2017 | Abstract approval notification |
20 October 2017 | Submission of poster |
8 November 2017 | Submission of oral presentation powerpoint slides |
8 November 2017 | Submission of paper (optional) |
Concorde Hotel Singapore
100 Orchard Road, 238840 (map)
Registration Type | Sale End Date | Conference Fee (inclusive of 7% GST) |
Oral / Poster Presenter | Free | |
Early Bird Standard Registration | 30 Sep [Ended] | SGD 53.50 per person |
Early Bird Group Registration (3 persons or more) | 30 Sep [Ended] | SGD 48.15 per person |
2-To-Go Registration | 31 Oct | SGD 64.20 per person |
Standard Registration | 22 Nov | SGD 80.25 per person |
Group Registrations (3 persons or more) | 22 Nov | SGD 74.90 per person |
Terms & Conditions:
MON-FRI Before 5/6 PM | $2.14 for 1st hr, $1.39 for next subsequent 30min from 7am to 6pm |
MON-FRI After 5/6 PM | $3.75/entry from 6pm to 7am the following day |
(*Rates are accurate at time of printing, but subjected to changes by the building/carpark management without prior notice)
Concorde Hotel Singapore
100 Orchard Road, 238840 (map)
Dr. Mats Nigam
Technical Product Manager, COMSOL
Mats Nigam is the Technical Product Manager for Fluid Flow at COMSOL. Prior to joining COMSOL in 2012, Mats worked in the academia at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Cambridge University, and as a Fluid Dynamics Specialist in the pulp and paper industry at Noss AB. He received his Ph.D degree in applied mathematics from MIT in 1999.
Mr. Pratyush Sharma
Application Engineer, COMSOL
Pratyush Sharma is an Application Engineer at COMSOL. Prior to joining COMSOL, he worked for 4 years as a research assistant at the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, KIT, Germany. The focus of his research work was numerical modelling of combustion around droplets and metal particles. He received his master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Dr. Zhao Xin
Assistant Technical Manager, i-Math
Zhao Xin holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and M.Eng. in Civil Engineering from National University of Singapore (NUS). He was previously a Research Scientist with Temasek Polytechnic and Research Fellow in NTU and NUS. His research covered the computational mechanics and materials, numerical methods, and composites, and had published more than 30 papers in international journals. Currently, he is leading the technical team in i-Math to assist COMSOL users from Southeast Asia with their multiphysics modeling needs.
Mr. Agah D. Garnadi
Senior Lecturer, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Agah D. Garnadi is currently a Senior Lecturer in Scientific Computing at Department of Mathematics, Institut Pertanian Bogor. His previous appointments include:
Dr. Amir Shakouri
Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University
Amir Shakouri is a Research Fellow at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) and a Part-Time Lecturer at the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. His expertise includes applying Multiphysics Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using COMSOL software and other commercial packages. At SPMS, he also provides consultancy services to researchers who would like to apply Multiphysics FEA for their research and contributes in supervising undergraduate innovative projects, ranging from electromagnetic levitation devices to heat sinks and to mechanics of swimming bodies, using different COMSOL modules. He is also applying FEA for academic research projects e.g. 3D printed acoustic metamaterials and the mechanics of nano-structures. He has obtained his PhD degree from MAE, NTU in 2011 studying computational mechanics and his MEng and Bs degrees from Tehran Polytechnic in 2007 and 2004 respectively, studying aerospace structures, solid mechanics and mechanical design. He has contributed in publishing 9 research articles in highly ranked scientific journals and is an editorial assistant at the international journal of computational material science and engineering.
Dr. Ardiyansyah Syahrom
Senior Lecturer, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Ardiyansyah Syahrom specialises in Biomechanics, Biomaterial and Sports Engineering. He received his B.S. and M.Eng in Mechanical Engineering from Universitas Bung Hatta and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) respectively. In 2011, he received his Ph.D in Biomechanics from UTM. Right after that, he was appointed as visiting lecturer and researcher for one year in UTM. After which he was offered to join the UTM’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Solid Mechanics and Design. Currently, he is a Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Sports Innovation and Technology Center (SITC) in UTM. He has supervised postgraduate students for Ph.D. and M.Eng. Degrees in Biomechanics and Biomaterial, with specific topic related to cancellous bone structures, biodegradable metal and sports engineering.
Mr. Habimana Jean Willy
Research Student, National University of Singapore
Habimana Jean Willy is currently a Research Student at the National University of Singapore, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Material Science Engineering. He has received his Bachelor’s Degree in Physics from National University of Rwanda and a Master’s degree in Material Science and Engineering from South China University of Technology in 2012. His past research experience was about the optimization of glass forming ability and magnetic properties after re-crystallization of Fe-based alloys. Currently, his PhD research is in the area of laser-material interaction during 3D printing of materials with a special focus on modelling and simulation. So far, he is the main author of two academic peer reviewed papers and has participated in several local and international academic conferences. His recent simulation works studied the heat transfer during selective laser melting and radiation absorption in powder and continuous medium. H.J.Willy has a wide working experience gained from working in several positions including part-time lecturer at Higher Learning Institutions and Director of Academic Services at the Integrated Polytechnic Regional Center-East (IPRC-East/Rwanda).
Dr. Karl Erik Birgersson
Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
Karl Erik BIRGERSSON is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Engineering Science Programme at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He was awarded his Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, in 2004. He also holds an MS degree in Chemical Engineering from KTH (1998) and a Licentiate degree (2003). He was a postdoctoral fellow (2004-2005) and a research engineer (2005-2006) at the Institute of High Performance Computing, A*Star, Singapore; and an assistant (2006-2014) and associate (2015-2016) professor at the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department, NUS. He specialises in mathematical modelling and transport phenomena; his current research focuses on electrochemical energy systems, solar cells, and biomedical devices. He has published around 90 journal papers, 1 book and 5 book chapters with an h-index of 21 (Google Scholar; accessed July 2017) and a field-weighted citation index of 1.92 (Scival, 2003-2016; accessed July 2017). As a consultant, he helped design the Air+ smart mask, which has won awards such as the President’s Design Award 2015, the Reader’s and Editor’s Choice for the Most Innovative Product at the Straits Times Digital Awards 2016 and one of the Top 50 Engineering Feats Award in Singapore 2016. Besides research, he enjoys teaching and has been awarded 17 teaching awards in NUS since 2006.
Ms. Loke Chai Yee
Doctoral Candidate, Monash University Malaysia
Loke Chai Yee is a Doctoral Candidate from the School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia. She graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering with Honours from Tun Hussein Onn University of Technology, Malaysia in 2006. She then continued her postgraduate studies in 2015 under the supervision of Dr. Ooi Ean Hin and Assoc. Prof. Hung Yew Mun. Her research focuses on developing a 3D human eye model using COMSOL Multiphysics for computation fluid dynamics (CFD) and structural mechanics analyses associated with the pathogenesis of glaucoma.
Mr. Nguyen Ba Loc
Student, Nanyang Technological University
Nguyen Ba Loc is currently an undergraduate student who will be presenting on his Final Year Project that is collaboration with the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, a research institute of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). He was in the Dean’s Lists for the NTU Bioengineering cohort in 2016, a CN Yang Scholar in NTU, and an A*STAR scholarship awardee for secondary and junior college levels.
Ms. Norhafizah Binti Ahmad Junaidi
Postgraduate Student, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Norhafizah Binti Ahmad Junaidi is a Master student by research in Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Currently, she is a member of the Takasago Thermal/Environmental System Research Laboratory, aimed at developing heat transfer technology with less carbon emissions and dependency on electrical energy, in order to reduce the effects of global warming. With chemical engineering background, she is studying on producing cooling for air-conditioning using the solar-powered adsorption refrigeration system. In this system, the continuous cooling is realized with the combination of thermal storage in the system.
Mr. Shi Zeng
Ph.D. Student, National University of Singapore
Shi Zeng is a Ph.D. student from the Mirco Thermal System Group, a research group based in the Energy and Bio Thermal Systems Division in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS). His research focus is on microchannel design for better heat transfer and fluid flow performance.
Dr. Tran Si Bui Quang
Scientist, A*STAR – Institute of High Performance Computing
Tran Si Bui Quang is currently a Scientist with the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), a research institute of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). He received his Bachelor Degree in Aerospace Engineering (2004) from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam, and Master (2006) and Ph.D (2010) degrees in Aerospace Engineering from Konkuk University, South Korea. He was a postdoctoral researcher for 2 years in France and 1 year in Canada before his current appointment in A*STAR – IHPC. His research interests are: inkjet printing using electrohydrodynamics, acoustic wave, nano droplet, plasma discharge, particle tracking and computational fluid dynamics.
Dr. Yu Xiang
Research Scientist, A*STAR – Institute of High Performance Computing
Yu Xiang received his B.Eng (with first class honors) and Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2011 and 2015, respectively. He joined Institute of High Performance Computing, a research institute of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), as a research scientist in 2015. His research mainly focuses on vibro-acoustic modelling, sound and vibration control and novel acoustic material. As the first author, he has published 12 research papers in the leading acoustical journals, plus 20 more papers & abstracts in international conferences. He is a member of International Institute of Acoustic & Vibration (IIAV), Society of Acoustics Singapore, and Australian Acoustical Society.
Dr. Adel E. Alshayji
Assistant Pofessor, Kuwait University
Adel E. Alshayji has been an Assistant Professor at the Kuwait University, Mechanical Engineering Department since 2008. He received his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Kuwait University, M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Washington and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Massachusetts. His research interests include computational fluid dynamics, turbulent flows, turbulence modeling, variable density flows, boundary layer analysis and reacting flows.
Concorde Hotel Singapore
100 Orchard Road, 238840 (map)
1. Analysis of Current at the Surface of a Rocking Disk Electrode
Mr. Vishvak Kannan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
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2. Modelling and Loss Analysis of Meso-Structured Perovskite Solar Cells
Mr. Xue Hansong, National University of Singapore, Singapore
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3. Investigating Effects of Number of Layers on Thermal Behavior of Lithium Ion Batteries
Mr. Mohammad Alipour, Koç University, Turkey
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4. Comparative Analysis of Array 2×2 Double Bi Circular Microstrip Antenna with the Empirical Formula and COMSOL Programme
Mr. Putu Artawan, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
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5. NOx Reduction in a Monolithic Reactor
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6. Thermal Analysis of a Latent Heat Storage Based Battery Thermal Cooling Wrap
Mr. Chiew Hay King Joel, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore
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7. A Microfluidic System for Capturing Malaria-Infected Blood-Cells Using an Array of Nickel Structures
Mr. Pachara Noosawad, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
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8. A Trapping Mechanism of a Single-Particle Inside a Triangular Microwell
Mr. Phakpoom Yingprathanphon, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
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9. Electric Field Distribution of ZnO-PCL Nanocomposites Using Rectangular Waveguide, Microstrip and Finite Element Method
Dr. Abubakar Yakubu, Kebbi University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Nigeria
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10. 3D Electromagnetic Simulation for Wide Band Wireless Power Transfer via Resonance Inductive Coupling
Mr. Omkar and Mr. Zhou Wenshen, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
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11. Computational and Experimental Study on Electrostatic Properties of Fractal Capacitors
Mr. Low Yuen Wei Samuel, Ms. Athalye Surabhi Sachin and Dr. Yee Sin ANG, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
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12. Dielectric Properties of Heterogeneous Media with Inclusion of Fractal Media
Ms. Athalye Surabhi Sachin and Dr. Muhammad Zubair, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
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13. Generalized Power Law Model of 3D Blood Flow in Bifurcated Stenosed Artery
Dr. Zuhaila Ismail, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
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14. Modelling of Heat Transfer in Different Materials in Cooking Vessels Using COMSOL
Ms. Lew Zhiyi and Ms. Helen Claudia Maria Yu-Hwei T, Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary), Singapore
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15. Diffusion-Limited Cluster Growth During Nucleation
Mr. Lau Yang Hao, A*STAR – Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore
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16. Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of Single Clad Laser Metal Deposition
Dr. Song Jie, A*STAR – Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore
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17. Adaptive Temperature Controller in Hemodialysis – Essential for Next-Gens
Mr. Mohamed Haroon Abdul Jabbar, University of Nottingham, Malaysia
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18. Fabrication of 4130 Steel Powder for 3D Printing and Its Simulation Study
Dr. Herng Tun Seng, National University of Singapore, Singapore
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19. Visualization of Non-Invasive Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy on the Volar Forearm
Ms. Betty Tsai, National University of Singapore, Singapore
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20. Comparison of Flow Patterns of Different Stents Within a Simulated Disease Model
Ms. Ang Zhi Ting, National University of Singapore, Singapore
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21. Modified Model of Heat & Mass Transfer Phase Change with High Density Ratio Using COMSOL Multiphysics
Mr. Jayden Tan Jun Wong, A*STAR – Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore
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22. Effects of Acoustic Scattering on the Active Control of Noise Through Apertures
Mr. Lam Bhan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
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23. Numerical Analysis of Flow Chamber Morphologies for Pilot-Scale Ultrasonication
Mr. Naveen Arunachalam, Kaneka Corporation, United States
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24. Improvement in Broadband Noise Attenuation with Periodic Top-edge of Noise Barriers
Prachee Priyadarshinee, National University of Singapore, Singapore
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Concorde Hotel Singapore
100 Orchard Road, 238840 (map)
What’s New in COMSOL Multiphysics
Mats Nigam, COMSOL
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Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics
Dr. Mats Nigam, COMSOL
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Structural Mechanics & Heat Transfer
Dr. Zhao Xin, i-Math
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Mr. Pratyush Sharma, COMSOL
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Dr. Mats Nigam, COMSOL
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Dr. Zhao Xin, i-Math
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Equation-Based Modeling
Mr. Pratyush Sharma, COMSOL
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Numerical Simulations of Condensing Moist Air Around Cold Cylinder
Dr. Adel E. Alshayji, Assistant Professor, Kuwait University
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Red Blood Cell Separation Using Magnetophoresis Force
Dr. Tran Si Bui Quang, Scientist, A*STAR Institute of High Performance Computing
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Towards Multiscale Models for Bioimpedance of Human Skin with COMSOL Multiphysics
Dr. Karl Erik Birgersson, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
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Finite Element Analysis of Accelerating Projectile Inside Vacuum Bazooka
Dr. Amir Shakouri, Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University
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Monotonic and Cyclec Behavior Of Trabecular Bone Under Uniaxial and Multiaxial Loading
Dr. Ardiyansyah Syahrom, Lecturer, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
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Modelling Thermal Capillary Effects and Flow in the Molten Pool during Selective Laser Melting
Mr. Habimana Jean Willy, Research Student, National University of Singapore
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3D Hydrodynamic and Mass Transport Simulations of Ocular Drug Delivery Considering Segmental Aqueous Humour Outflow Phenomenon in the Human Eye
Ms. Loke Chai Yee, Doctoral Candidate, Monash University Malaysia
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Enhanced Finned Tube Heat Exchanger Design through Topology Optimization
Mr. Shi Zeng, Ph.D. Student, National University of Singapore
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Transient Analysis of a Cylindrical Finned-tube Adsorber Reactor in a Solar Adsorption Refrigeration Cycle
Ms. Norhafizah binti Ahmad Junaidi, Postgraduate Researcher, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
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Numerical Optimization of Two Multi-Microelectrode Systems for Single-cell Manipulation by Dielectrophoresis
Mr. Nguyen Ba Loc, Student, Nanyang Technological University
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